The Argentine Journal of Rheumatology is a biomedical and life sciences journal. It has been published quarterly [ISSN 0327-4411 (print) ISSN 2362-3675 (online)] and without interruption since 1984. Published in print since 1984 (40 years), and online since 2007 (17 years). It has been supported by the Argentine Society of Rheumatology, a medical scientific society founded in 1937. Four issues are published per year (January/March, April/June, July/September, October/December). Extra editions are also published, either with the summaries of the national Congress or with Clinical Practice Guidelines elaborated by the Argentine Society of Rheumatology and/or in collaboration with other scientific medical societies. Sometimes collaboration is in concordance with international institutions for joint publication.


The Argentine Journal of Rheumatology is supported by the Argentine Society of Rheumatology (Buenos Aires, Argentina), an institution founded in 1937 with the aim of contributing to the progress of Rheumatology in Argentina and South America, promoting, stimulating, collaborating, participating and intervening in all kinds of projects and studies of basic or clinical research in all its phases.

The journal includes scientific content in the field of Rheumatology. It covers joint and soft tissue pathologies, metabolic bone diseases and systemic autoimmune diseases, as well as their diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Epidemiological studies related to the area, case-control studies, cohorts, observational studies, case reports and reviews are included. In addition, “Letters to the Editor” are received. “Editorial” articles on special topics are by invitation only.

Its objective is to communicate research and scientific updates mainly from Latin America, on Rheumatology and related fields, to promote debate on the specialty controversies and provide scientifically verifiable information to the medical population.

It publishes original and unpublished articles on clinical or experimental research, reviews, updates, clinical cases and diagnostic imaging, among other aspects related to the health of people with rheumatic pathologies, which have not been exhibit or published in other journals or scientific dissemination media.

The journal is aimed at physicians specializing in the rheumatic diseases, clinical physicians with an interest in rheumatic pathologies, researchers and teachers. The publication is edited in Spanish and it also provides article titles, key words and abstracts in English. Works are received and could also be published completely in English if authors native language is not Spanish.

The right to accept or reject contributions received is reserved, in accordance with their topic scope and compliance with its editorial standards. At least 60% of the journal content must have original research.


Sections of the Journal:

  • Editorial: Contribution requested by the Committee from an expert, who from a personal point of view writes on topics of current interest. This section is not peer-reviewed and its content is not exclusively scientific in nature.
  • Original articles:Presentation of an original scientific experience, personal or group, that contributes to the progress of the specialty. Section subject to peer-review and with exclusively scientific content.
  • Updates: Update on certain topics of interest, presented in a synthetic form. Section subject to peer-review and with exclusively scientific content.
  • Clinical cases: Description of a rare case that represents an important contribution to knowledge of the topic. Section subject to peer-review and with exclusively scientific content.
  • Diagnostic imaging: Presentation of a problem case based on diagnostic imaging, with essential clinical data and sequence of studies performed to reach the definitive diagnosis. Section subject to peer-review and with exclusively scientific content.
  • Letters from readers: Comments on previously published articles. Section of non-peer-reviewed publication.


The Editorial Board of the journal includes individuals recognized in the medical and scientific field, at national and/or international level. It includes members of both genders, different races, religions, and nationalities. None of them are part of the pharmaceutical industry. These members are exemplary professionals in different areas within Rheumatology, related specialties, Biostatistics, Methodology and Bioethics.


The Journal has external reviewers in each topic, as well as new experts who are incorporated. The Editor of each section covered by peer review sends the work to two or more external and blind reviewers. The deadline established to carry out the review is 30 days from the moment of acceptance of the evaluation request, except for the summer and winter recess period, when the time may be longer.

The Editorial Committee conducts a prior review of the submissions according to criteria of originality and the guidelines for authors established by the Journal. If the requirements are met, the contribution will be given editorial process; first, by assigning 2 or more external reviewers, thus complying with the refereeing process. The double-blind peer review method is applied.

The contributions sent and evaluated may adopt the following results: “accepted for publication”, “accepted with changes”, “rejected”. If there is discrepancy between the evaluators, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal decides. The final decision on the publication of an article corresponds to the Editor-in-Chief.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make style corrections or eventually to the wording of certain phrases or expressions when they are not clear.


  • Studies in humans: All studies involving humans or sensitive data must be accompanied by the respective approval of an ethics committee or a declaration of the involvement of the committee in the form of an affidavit. The author must ensure that it was carried out in accordance with the WHO ethical code (Declaration of Helsinki) on studies involving humans. The manuscript must follow the recommendations for the conduct, registration, editing and publication of scientific works in medical journals of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors).
  • Studies in animals: All studies involving experimental animals must be accompanied by a declaration that the rights of research animals have not been violated in accordance with current regulations/guidelines. Studies of this type should follow the recommendations of the ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines and be conducted in accordance with the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and the related recommendations of EU Directive 2010/63/EU for experiments on animals, or the National Institutes of Health guide on the care and use of laboratory animals (NIH Publications No. 8023, revised 1978). The author should clearly state in the manuscript that these guidelines have been followed. The sex of the animals should also be indicated, as well as, where appropriate, the influence (or association) of sex on the results of the study.
  • Plagiarism policy: Works that have already been published in other journals will not be accepted. Partial reports or data that have been used in another work will be accepted if differences are found with the first. In the event of submitting a work with these characteristics for evaluation, the editor must be notified by sending the already published work so that it can be evaluated at the time of acceptance of the article submitted to this publication. It is also not permitted to copy other works/works in whole or in part in the content of the same. Partial or total reproductions of text, images, photographs must be authorized in writing by the author, responsible publisher, museum, etc. They must also be authorized by the editorial section of this publication. The mere fact of accepting the submission of an article in this journal implies a declaration by the author that he or she has not committed plagiarism.
    The collaboration of all participating roles is governed by the Principles of transparency and good practice in academic publications of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), https://publicationethics.org. All submissions are monitored through an online search and through plagiarism detection software. If total or partial plagiarism is detected or if the article is found to have already been published by the same author, the journal will not publish the article, nor will it advance in the respective editorial process. If an article already published is reported for plagiarism or for violating ethical standards, the Journal will immediately and temporarily remove it from the portal and will notify the author to exercise his or her right to defend himself or herself. The publishing institution will decide on the matter; if plagiarism is confirmed, it will not be published again, nor will future contributions by the same author.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): The use of AI is permitted if it does not violate the plagiarism policies, the veracity of the data, the editorial ethics policies and the rest of the regulations of the journal. When an AI program is used, the name of the software and version number must be detailed.
  • Conflicts of interest: All work subsidized by the pharmaceutical industry or for-profit entity, whether partially or totally, as well as university entities or others that have funded the work, must be clarified in an item titled “Conflicts of interest” at the end of the work and before the bibliography.
  • Editorial autonomy: The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject those articles that it deems inappropriate, as well as to propose or make modifications when it deems necessary.
  • Responsibility of the authors: The responsibility for the considerations contemplated in the texts, the veracity of the data and respect for intellectual property corresponds to the authors. The authors, in the process of sending the original, declare that they have complied with the international regulations regarding conflict of interest and ethical standards for research and publication of academic and scientific material. The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their exclusive responsibility.


The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person outside of it. The contact e-mail is excepted, which must appear in each article.


Open access/free access: access to the contents published in this journal is open, free and free of charge, in full text. The Journal maintains its commitment to open access policies to scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and research funded with public funds should circulate on the Internet freely, free of charge and without restrictions.

Legal registries: National Directorate of Copyright, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Argentine Republic: Registry of Periodical Publications in File No. RL-2023-67258517.

The Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial – No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.

This publication adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative, putting into practice its recommendations and definitions.

The same license and rights of use apply to the website in general as to each published issue and article. The authors retain full and exclusive control over the integrity of their published work, as well as the right to be cited and duly acknowledged. In all cases, the authors adhere to the guidelines and their respective practices for fair use developed by DOAJ.

The authors retain the copyright of their published articles without restrictions and permanently grant the Argentine Society of Rheumatology the reproduction rights of their work to preserve it and make it open access in whole or in part through current institutional digital media and channels, under the same license of original use of publication in the journal or with the same characteristics.


It is indexed in the Basic Nucleus of Scientific Journals (NBR); in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); in the LILACS Database (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences); in the Catalog and Directory of Latindex Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal; in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); in the Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (REDALYC); in Google Scholar; in the Matrix of Information for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR) of the University of Barcelona; in DIALNET (University of La Rioja, Spain); and in the Scopus database (Elsevier).

The Argentine Journal of Rheumatology and all its editions are registered in Crossref and have assigned DOIs.



Argentine Society of Rheumatology, Editorial Unit.
Legal address of the Journal: Av. Callao 384, 2nd floor, apt. 6 (C1022AAQ), Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

National Directorate of Copyright, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Argentine Republic: Registry of Periodical Publications in File No.: RL-2023-67258517.


The Journal DOES NOT HAVE PUBLICATION FEES, article processing fees (APC) or article submission fees.


Revista Argentina de Reumatologia (Argentine Journal of Rheumatology) ensures that all advertisements and commercially sponsored publications are independent of editorial decisions. The journal does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or promoted by a sponsor in its publications.

The editorial content is not influenced by commercial or financial interests or by specific arrangements with advertising clients or sponsors. Revista Argentina de Reumatologia reserves the right to reject any advertising that could be damaging to Sociedad Argentina de Reumatologia. The editorial team will not accept advertising for products or services known to be harmful to health.

Advertisements must be truthful, identifiable, and non-offensive. Once an advertisement has been deployed online, it will be withdrawn from the journal site at any time if the Editor-in-chief requests its removal.

Advertisers should not link to articles using keywords; they may not target advertising for a specific product on the condition that it appears in the same location and at the same time as a specific article mentioning that product and they may not refer to an article published at the same time as the advertisement appears.

All drug advertisements must comply with the relevant Argentina legislation that regulates advertising. When submitting their advertisements, advertisers should make available to Sociedad Argentina de Reumatologia the Health Authority approval, marketing authorization, and summary of product characteristics.

Our editorial decisions are independent of current or potential sponsors and advertisers. Advertisers and sponsors have no control or influence over the search results that users see on the website when they conduct searches by keyword or topic.


Four types of corrections for errors will be considered at the discretion of the editors:

a) Errata. Notification of a major error made by the journal, usually related to data, that affects the scientific integrity of the article or the reputation of the authors or the journal. The corresponding author will be notified if any errata are issued.

b) Relevant correction. Notification of a major error made by the author(s), usually related to data, that affects the scientific integrity of the article or the reputation of the authors or the journal. The corresponding author will be notified if any correction is issued. In cases where co-authors disagree, the editors will decide whether further review by the editorial board is necessary to impose the appropriate amendment, and the name of the dissenting author(s) will be noted in the text of the published version.

c) Minor correction. Online corrections with information that does not impact the publication record or the scientific integrity of the paper, or the reputation of the authors or the journal. The corresponding author will be notified if a minor correction of the article is issued online.

d) Retraction. Publication of invalid results or circumstances in which the editor determines that the article requires a formal retraction on record. The editor-in-chief will notify the editorial board, the publisher, and the Argentine Society of Rheumatology and its general legal counsel at the beginning of the retraction process. The editor-in-chief will determine whether the manuscript is no longer visible to the public or whether the retraction notice should replace it. The corresponding author will be notified if any retraction is issued without his or her participation. In cases where the co-authors do not agree, the editors will decide whether additional review by the editorial board is necessary to impose the corresponding amendment, indicating the dissenting author or authors in the text of the published version.


Since October 2024, this journal has incorporated a data-sharing policy. We strongly encourage authors to adhere, although it is not currently mandatory for our publication and is not decisive when accepting or rejecting a paper.